Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Agreement

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Agreement: Understanding the Basics

Agreement is an important aspect of language learning. As a student of Bahasa Inggris, or English language, you will come across many rules and principles governing agreement. In this article, we will cover the basics of agreement in English grammar, which will help you improve your language skills and become a more confident speaker and writer.

Subject-Verb Agreement

The most basic type of agreement in English is subject-verb agreement. This means that the verb in a sentence must agree with the subject in terms of number and person. For example, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well.


Singular subject: The dog barks.

Plural subject: The dogs bark.

In the first sentence, the subject “dog” is singular, so the verb “barks” is also singular. In the second sentence, the subject “dogs” is plural, so the verb “bark” is also plural.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Another type of agreement in English is pronoun-antecedent agreement. This means that the pronoun used in a sentence must agree with its antecedent in terms of number, gender, and person.


Incorrect: If a student wants to do well in their exams, they must study hard.

Correct: If a student wants to do well in his or her exams, he or she must study hard.

In the first sentence, the pronoun “their” does not agree with the singular antecedent “a student.” In the corrected sentence, the pronoun “his or her” agrees with the singular antecedent “a student.”

Agreement in Tense

In English, there are different tenses used to describe different actions in time. It is important to maintain consistency of tense throughout a sentence or paragraph to create clarity and coherence. For example, if the sentence is in the past tense, all verbs in the sentence must be in the past tense.


Incorrect: Yesterday, I eat breakfast, went to work, and talks to my colleague.

Correct: Yesterday, I ate breakfast, went to work, and talked to my colleague.

In the first sentence, the verb “eat” is in the present tense, while the other verbs are in the past tense. In the corrected sentence, all verbs are in the past tense.


Agreement is an essential element of English grammar that you must master to become a proficient speaker and writer. By understanding the basics of subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and agreement in tense, you will be able to communicate more effectively and avoid common errors. Keep practicing and applying these principles in your writing and speaking, and you will see a significant improvement in your language skills.